At Anchor

At Anchor

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hi Y'all,
I left you with the knowledge that my computer had crashed,well after a new hard drive and no operating system I'm back.
Here we are in the oldest city in Colombia, founded in the 15 hundreds by BolĂ­var. This is also where he died. His body hair is in a grave in one of the churchs here. Other body parts are eleswhere.
The beach area is full of the statues of indigenous
Indians and all are naked. The strees are crouded with people and there cart full of stuff to sell. They set up in front of the stores and block most of the sidewalk, it's pretty neat. We have gone on 1 tour sofar to the lost
city of Taironaka. It's about a 2 hour drive
from Santa Marta and all along the road

are the vegie stands with the freshest
stuff you can find.

Well here are a few photos I hope you enjoy.

This is a photo of the Indigenous Indians that live in the real Lost City. They spend 2 to 3 days of walking down from the Village to spend a 5 to 7 day Vacation here at the replica and hope to pick uo a few pesos.

The little gold looking thing is part of there religion and that to is a replica, the real one is solid gold and protected. After I found that out I got getting a new sail boat out of my mind.

In there huts there are two doors,one for the men one for the women. If the women go in the wrong entrance they get tied up and not fed for 3 days. Now they know how to treat a women.

You can see the hammock in the hut, they are for the men, the women sleep on the floor.

See Y'all Down the Road

Mike & Karen

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Computer Zapped

Hey Y'all
This is just to let you know that my computer crashed and I lost everything in it. I know your first thought also, surly he had it backed up but no I did not so not another word about it.
We are in Colombia and are enjoying the city of Santa Marta. We have gone on 1 tour sofar and the photos are still in the camera(didn't lose those) but I will not down load until I find a new computer. We are going out today to look. Well I just wanted to keep you informed of why we haven't post until now, didn't know the blog address. See Y'all Down the Road
Mike & Karen
PS. If there are any misspelled words it's not my fault, Spell Check come up in Spanish so everything is misspelled.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hey Y'all, just a little update and a couple of shots of the anchorage here in Curacao.

This morning we are leaving here and on our way to Colombia. This should take no more than 5 or 6 days but who knows.

Karen and I met several couples that that are heading the same way, so we will have boats in front and back of us.

There really isn't anything else to tell y'all about except rain and more rain. We haven't done anything but get wet while shopping and getting ready to leave.

I have decided that sailing is 10% sailing and 90% shopping to leave for the next place you are heading. Most of the shopping is for food for some reason, honestly Karen and I don't eat that much. Ok that's about it,I'll post as soon as we get to Colombia.

See Y'all Down the Road

Mike & Karen