At Anchor

At Anchor

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

O.K. folks we are still in P.R. and I don't know when we will leave here. I'm ready to make a 6 or 7 day run to Columbia but the V.A. are not cooperating. Right now we are adding solar panels on the boat. At the moment I have 4 panels and have 1 more on order, should get here this week and then I'll be putting in 460 watts and about 25 to 30 amps. After this I won't have to run my generator or engine hardly at all.
It seams that being here we have taken advantage of the grocery stores here. Our freezer is so full that i can't get anything in it and the refrigerator is over stuffed also. Along with too much food on board I have gained a small amount of weight. Sitting here with no sailing the meals Karen cooks are getting larger and larger. I'm sure the beer has nothing to do with it.
We had some new cushions made for the cockpit and they don't fit, had them made in Florida and there is no way I'll send them back. I guess I'll bite the bullet and have some made in Columbia if I ever get there. I'll try to post more but it is boring here and not a lot to tell y'all.
See Y'all Down the Road'
Mike & Karen

1 comment:

  1. Mikey, finally words from the beyond! PR is beyond KW! No photo posted so I am guessing it's a little more than a few pounds you've put on. Can Karen let out the waistline on your old shorts? You gotta remember, PR beer is a little stronger than you ole boys are used to. Did Michelle send the book yet? Bob & I were complaining about you this past Sunday at Schooner. Waiting for your return to Paradise, the 'ell with Colombia!
